We Are Here for You – Paediatrics
We appreciate that everyone is trying to do the right thing by staying at home at this time, however, we are concerned that those caring for children, especially children with complex or underlying health conditions, may be too worried about going to hospital at this time to seek urgent medical help in the way that they normally would.
Nationally, the number of children with a delayed presentation to hospital is increasingly leading to further health complications and increased risk of serious illness, which could be avoided if medical help was sought sooner.
If you’re a parent with a seriously unwell child, we want you to know that the NHS is here for you. Children still get sick and we want you to connect with us when this happens
If you have to go to A&E there will be special arrangements in place to protect you and your child from the risk of infection. You know your child better than anyone else, and if you think your child is unwell or deteriorating you must seek medical help and not delay presentation. Doctors will want to make sure that your child is treated before their condition deteriorates.