Mental Health

What to expect in your mental health review

1. Nurse Review

Your Nurse appointment should be a week or so prior to your GP review.

The Nurse will take your bloods, blood pressure, height, weight and ask you a few questions about your alcohol intake and smoking status.

2. GP Review

Your GP will discuss any results from your previous tests with the Nurse, as well as the following:

  • Your diagnosis
  • Review/management of any existing/new care plans.
  • Discuss your physical health including diet, exercise, sexual health, substance misuse and medication.
  • Discuss any referrals that may be needed.
  • Offer you resources to help your mental health.

3. FAQ & Information

You are welcome to bring someone with you to your review; if you do not have someone to support you and would like someone there, our Care Coordinator can come to your appointment with you for support.

We have a Specialist Mental Health Nurse working in the practice on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday; they can deal with long standing mental health concerns regarding advice for already existing conditions. You can obtain an appointment with the Mental Health Nurse by contacting the surgery via Econsult.

You will be contacted directly by our Care Coordinator to book this review.

Did you know?

One in Four people experience mental health issues every year.

Common conditions include depression, anxiety and phobias.

Some mental health services allow people to refer themselves, including services for drug problems and alcohol problems, as well as psychological therapies (IAPT) services.

Depending on your health needs, you may consider self-referring into some services run by Devon Partnership NHS Trust or Livewell Southwest.

Mental health services are free on the NHS. If you are feeling anxious, stressed or depressed you can access support straight away through Devon Partnership Trust or Livewell for Plymouth City Council postcodes. Other more specialist services may need a referral from your GP to access them.

More information about mental health is available on the NHS website, at the charity Mind and Time to Change.

Mental Health Crisis Services

Ivybridge & Plymouth

Samaritans (for all)

Call 116 123 (24 hour)

Shout for under 25s

Text 85258 (24 hour)

Military (current or veteran)

Military Mental Health Helpline – 0800 323 444

Military Veteran Support – 0300 365 2000


(Please note that service number or other form of military ID needs to be provided re: eligibility)


Over 18s

Devon Partnership Trust Mental Health Crisis Response;

0808 196 8708 (24 hour)

Under 18s

Devon Partnership Trust Mental Health Crisis Response

03300 245 321 (8am-5-pm)
0300 555 5000 (<8am or >5pm)


Over 18s

Livewell Southwest Mental Health Crisis Response

0808 923 9323 (24 hour)

Under 18s

Livewell Southwest Mental Health Crisis Response

01752 435122 (24 hour)


Out of hours service for people who consider that they are approaching a mental health crisis 07890 257614 (6pm-12 midnight)

There may be other services available in Plympton and Ivybridge that offer support for other specific needs, however as their funding streams are not long-term, we have not added them to this webpage. If you would like to explore further support that might be available to you, you can self-refer to the Social Prescribing Service at Beacon Medical Group. Please either go to the BMG website and look on the Social Prescribing Service page to make a self-referral online or make a self-referral at reception.