Are You A Carer?

A Carer is anyone including children and adults, who look after a family member, partner, neighbour, or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, mental health, or an addiction, and who could not cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.

If you identify as a Carer, you could be entitled to a Carers assessment and Carers allowance. You are also entitled to advice, information, and support for your own needs as well as advice and information to support the person(s) you care for.

If you are an adult (18+) who identifies as a Carer please complete the registration form below, which will enable your carer status to be added to your clinical records at Beacon Medical Group. This form also allows you to request referral to the appropriate Carers organisation if consent is given, although you are able to self-refer to the appropriate Carers organisation for your area.

If you are under 18 and identify as a Carer and require support, please either contact the young carers organisations directly or talk with your college/school who can support you to access young carers support, equally you can discuss with your GP if needed.

Young Carers

What is a Young Carer?

Being a young carer can mean a few different things; a young carer is someone under the age of 18 who looks after someone else because they have support needs. Often this is another member of their family, but sometimes it is a friend or a neighbour.

Looking after someone can include a wide range of things, from cooking and cleaning, to helping to pay the bills. These extra responsibilities often mean that young carers can miss out on school and hanging out with their friends.

Different factors can make the situation more complicated too, such as the cost-of-living crisis or the person needing care, being a single parent with no other adults to depend on. A young carer often has to take on these adult responsibilities and worries.

Useful links for Young Carers:

  • 07899950155
  • 01752201890
  • caringforcarers@improvinglives

How your GP surgery can support you as a Carer:

  • Flu vaccination appointments and reminders, during ‘Flu season’.
  • Signposting to local Carer services, to undertake Carers assessments and for further support.
  • Double appointments for both you and the person you care for.
  • Virtual and telephone appointments for more accessibility.
  • Carer’s noticeboards and local information located in the surgery reception and waiting areas.
  • Virtual newsletter, with up-to-date information regarding support and events.
  • Staff trained on Carer Awareness.

Do you Have a Carers Passport?

The Carers Passport is free and available for Carers, aged 18 or over, who provide care for a Plymouth resident, of any age. This will help you identify as a carer and establishments recognise you as a Carer.

For further information and to download the Carers Passport Booklet please click this link to Plymouth online Directory

The Passport also offers discounts on a range of activities and businesses across the city – Carers Passport – Improving Lives Plymouth

Right to a Carers Assessment:

Under the Care Act 2014, you as a Carer are entitled to a Carer’s Assessment by your local authority. This is an opportunity for any needs you have as a Carer to be identified and furthermore to be connected to any support available.
A Carers assessment is a conversation with a professional social care worker about how being a carer affects you and the way you can live your life. It is an opportunity to make sure you have all the information you need and a chance to find out about the services and support that could help you in your caring role. It is free and open to any carer, regardless of their financial circumstances.

How do I arrange a Carer’s assessment?

You can either arrange this by contacting Plymouth City Council on 01752 668000, email
or by contacting Carers for Carers on
01752 201890 or email

Emergency / Crisis Situations:

If you feel you are in a crisis situation and cannot wait for support from Caring for Carers, you can contact Adult Social Care directly.

Plymouth Adult Social Care: 01752 668000

Self-Referral online: Adult Social Care Self Assessment – Plymouth Online Directory

Your views and getting involved

We encourage our patient Carers to get involved in service developments and changes. You can do this by:

Planning Ahead:

As a Carers, it is important to have a plan in place to help you and the person you care for in an emergency. This could be in case you experience a sudden illness or accident, or if you are delayed in getting to them.

A contingency plan will give you peace of mind that, in an emergency, you and your cared for person’s wishes about replacement care have already been documented.

If you care for someone who lives in Plymouth, please contact:

Caring for Carers will be able to help you with a contingency plan and signpost you to the Carers Emergency response service who may be able to provide carers for your loved one in an emergency if they need this level of support.

With your consent, we will pass your information on to the relevant Carer Support Service. You can also self refer as below:

If you care for someone in Devon please register for support from Devon Carers here or call the contact centre on 03456 434 435 – Or Register for support – Devon Carers

f the person you care for pays their council tax to Plymouth Council, visit Caring For Carers here. Caring for Carers – Improving Lives Plymouth

If the person you care for pays their council tax to Torbay Council, visit Torbay Carers Service here. Torbay Carers Service – Torbay and South Devon NHS FT