Between 2001 and 2011, the number of unpaid carers grew by 600,000 with the largest increase being in those who provide fifty or more hours of care per week. This equates to 1.4 million people providing fifty or more hours of unpaid care per week.
Increasing hours of care often results in the general health of carers deteriorating incrementally. Unpaid carers who provide high levels of care for sick, or disabled relatives and friends, are more than twice as likely to suffer from poor health compared to people without caring responsibilities.
Carers make a major contribution to society. Estimates show that the care provided by friends and family members to ill, frail or disabled relatives is equivalent to £119 billion every year.
If you identify as a Carer you could be entitled to a Carers assessment and Carers allowance. You are also entitled to advice, information and support for your own needs as well as advice and information to support the person(s) you care for.
If you are an adult (18+) who identifies as a Carer please complete the registration form below, which will enable your carer status to be added to your clinical records at Beacon Medical Group. This form also allows you to request referral to the appropriate Carers organisation if consent is given, although you are able to self-refer to the appropriate Carers organisation for your area.
If you are under 18 and identify as a Carer and require support, please either contact the young carers organisations directly or talk with your college/school who can support you to access young carers support, equally you can discuss with your GP if needed.