Who is a Carer?

A Carer is anyone including children and adults, who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, mental health or an addiction, and who could not cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.

Between 2001 and 2011, the number of unpaid carers grew by 600,000 with the largest increase being in those who provide fifty or more hours of care per week. This equates to 1.4 million people providing fifty or more hours of unpaid care per week.

Increasing hours of care often results in the general health of carers deteriorating incrementally. Unpaid carers who provide high levels of care for sick, or disabled relatives and friends, are more than twice as likely to suffer from poor health compared to people without caring responsibilities.

Carers make a major contribution to society. Estimates show that the care provided by friends and family members to ill, frail or disabled relatives is equivalent to £119 billion every year.

If you identify as a Carer you could be entitled to a Carers assessment and Carers allowance. You are also entitled to advice, information and support for your own needs as well as advice and information to support the person(s) you care for.

If you are an adult (18+) who identifies as a Carer please complete the registration form below, which will enable your carer status to be added to your clinical records at Beacon Medical Group. This form also allows you to request referral to the appropriate Carers organisation if consent is given, although you are able to self-refer to the appropriate Carers organisation for your area.

If you are under 18 and identify as a Carer and require support, please either contact the young carers organisations directly or talk with your college/school who can support you to access young carers support, equally you can discuss with your GP if needed.

Carers Services

Carers Services for Plymouth

Over 18s only

  • Caring for Carers
    Improving Lives Plymouth
    156 Mannamead Road
    PL3 5QL
  • Email: caringforcarers@improvinglivesplymouth.org.uk
  • Phone: 01752 201890

Caring for carers can support carers in the Plymouth area or carers outside the Plymouth area, but only if the cared for person lives in Plymouth

  1. Referrals can be made via Beacon Medical Groups registration form
  2. Other professionals who may be involved with you can refer on your behalf
  3. Self-referrals can be made by calling or emailing Caring for Carers directly

During Covid peer support groups are being offered digitally. Caring for Carers can also support with advice and guidance on how to use the technology

Caring for Carers Plymouth page Caring for Carers Plymouth page – pdf

Carers Service for Devon

Over 18s only

  1. Self-referral via their Helpline 03456-434-435 or via their website https://devoncarers.org.uk/self-referral-form/
  2. Self-referral via the ‘ask’ chat tool via their websit
  3. Referrals can be made by the Social Prescribing Service at Beacon Medical Group via your Carers Registration Form
  4. Other professionals who may be involved with you can refer on your behalf via their website (which is the same form as for the carer and has a drop down option to identify as a professional) https://devoncarers.org.uk/self-referral-form/ or via the professionals referral telephone number 01392 307699

Devon Carers Planning for an emergency Alert Card Devon Carers – PDF

Plymouth – Young Carers

Under 18s

  • Barnardo’s Young Carers
    Brunswick Road
    PL4 0NP
  • Telephone: 01752 256339
  • Email: bycs@barnados.org.uk

Barnado’s current referral process is via the Early Health Assessment Tool (EHAT) which is normally implemented through schools.

However, Barnado’s are happy to talk to young carers and/or parents but would ask during covid that contact is made via bycs@barnados.org.uk leaving contact details, and a worker will call you back.

Young Carers Plymouth

Devon – Young Carers

Under 18s

  • Telephone: 03456 434 435
  • Email: info@devoncarers.org.uk

Ivybridge Young Carers Group
First Wednesday of the month
Ivybridge Methodist Church

Youth club sessions just for young carers of secondary school age. A time to have a break from your caring role and to meet with other young carers who understand that life can be more difficult than it is for others of your age.

Young Carers Devon