Girlie Things

Common problems we deal with include advice about contraception, questions about development at puberty (breasts and periods), troubles with friends or family, and feelings of being down or lonely.


There are many different types of contraception, and if you are thinking of starting a sexual relationship it is always a good idea to come and talk to us early to discuss your options. We will discuss the various possibilities to you and give you information to read and will try to find a method that you would be happy with. Don’t forget that you are most fertile in your teenage years, and it is possible to get pregnant on the first go! Remember to also use a condom to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.

More information:

NHS Choices
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Have you missed a period? Are you worried you might be pregnant? Just make an appointment with one of our doctors or nurses and if possible bring in a sample of urine (our receptionist will give you a bottle).

We can do a pregnancy test immediately and let you know the result. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you understand what to expect if the result if positive. We will then refer you to the midwife, or if your pregnancy is unplanned and you do not wish to have the baby we will discuss other options with you.

More information:

NHS Choices

More information:

NHS Choices
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The Morning After Pill

If you have had unprotected sex, there is a chance that you might be pregnant. Please phone us as soon as you can and tell our staff that you need the morning after pill or wish to discuss emergency contraception. The earlier you take the pill the more likely it is to work – it is less likely to be effective getting towards the third day or 72 hours.

If you have had unprotected sex on a weekend you can contact the Out of Hours Doctor by calling 111.

If you are unable to come into see us within 72 hours, you can request the morning after pill at any pharmacy.

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