Emotional Issues

Are you feeling tired, stressed, worried, down, angry or perhaps all of these? These are normal feelings to have from time to time, but if you feel that some of these apply to you on a daily basis, book an appointment for help and support.

Depression and anxiety can occur in all age groups, even young children and are much more common than you think. In fact 1 in 10 children aged 5-16 years are diagnosed with a mental health condition. If you are worried about your mood, please come and have a chat, we would like to help.

Click here to access a self-awareness planner written by Harriet Berry, a medical student at Plymouth University, which is designed to help recognise how you’re feeling.

More information can be found on the following links:

Kooth– Online support and counselling (for 11-25 year olds).

Plymouth MIND.


The Zone.

Young Devon-Early help for mental health.

Mood Juice. Self-help/info.

Get self help.

Young Minds (Mental Health & Wellbeing).

Mindfulness– 10 free breathing exercise