Your current Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) prescription.
As a practice, we are continually reviewing the medicines that we prescribe for our patients to ensure that they receive the most effective treatment, which provides good value for the NHS without affecting their quality of care. We are presently reviewing a medication we use to manage your atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation (AF): your blood thinner (Direct Oral Anticoagulant – DOAC).
Your notes have been reviewed and we recommend you take a different DOAC, which will continue to protect you against the risk of AF related stroke.
We have therefore changed your prescription.
Do not take both medications!
All medications have different doses, so don’t be concerned if the dose of new medication seems very different to what you have been taking. It is the correct dose of this drug for you and the dose of the new tablet has been calculated based on your patient profile. We will add your new DOAC to your regularly repeated medicines list. When you order your next repeat prescription, please request the new medication. Until then please continue your tablets, as prescribed, until you have received your next repeat prescription.
All medicines should be safely stored out of the reach of children.
If you have any further questions about this change please contact Carol – a nurse leading this patient review – on 07828315908, or your usual GP or pharmacist.