This information leaflet explains issues around the fitting and removal of the sub-dermal contraceptive device (implant).
Failure Rate:
This methods of contraception is a highly effective method of contraception, with a failure rate of less than 1 in 1000 over 3 years.
Duration of use:
The sub-dermal contraceptive device Nexplanon, is licensed for use for up to 3 years.
Side effects :
The implant is used for contraception and may help to alleviate painful periods.
Fewer than one-quarter of women using the implant will have regular bleeds.
- Infrequent bleeding is the most common pattern (approximately one-third);
- around one-fifth of women experience no bleeding;
- Approximately one-quarter have prolonged or frequent bleeding. Altered bleeding patterns are likely to remain irregular.
Women may experience improvement, worsening or new onset of acne during use of a implant.
Timing of fitting:
The device can be fitted at any time as long as you are not pregnant.
We will fit an implant if:
- you are within the first 7 days of the menstrual cycle
- you have not had intercourse since the first day of your last normal period
- you have been correctly and consistently using a reliable method of contraception
- you are within 4 weeks postpartum for non-breastfeeding women
- you are within the first 7 days post-abortion or miscarriage
- you are fully breastfeeding, not had a period since delivery, and less than 6 months postpartum.
If the implant is fitted any time of the cycle other than the first 7 days, you must use additional precautions for 7 days after the fit.
Replacement of old device with a new device:
The licensed duration of the implant is 3 years. It is not recommend extended use of the implant beyond 3 years, irrespective of the woman’s age. After 3 years of use there is a potential risk of pregnancy and additional contraceptive precautions should be used.
We can remove a device and fit a new one at the same time to ensure seamless contraceptive cover.After removal of a progestogen-only implant, effective contraception is required immediately if pregnancy is not desired
On the day of the fit
Mild discomfort and bruising can be expected after insertion or removal of an implant. A sterile dressing should be applied for at least 24 hours after the procedure. A pressure bandage may also be applied. Paper sutures should be left until wound edges are adherent. Please seek medical advice if you develop signs of wound infection, considerable bruising or other complications.
After the fit:
No routine follow-up is required, but you can return at any time to discuss problems or to change your contraceptive method.
Please return if:
- you cannot feel their implant or it appears to have changed shape
- you notice any skin changes or pain around the site of the implant
- you become pregnant
- you develop any condition that may contraindicate continuation of the method.
There are various sources of further information, but we particularly recommend the FPA website where you can find on-line information leaflets. ‘’
For more information please visit;,, myNXTracker which can be downloaded from App Store or Google Play
BMG well woman team June 2018