Financial Declaration
GP practices receive funding from a variety of sources – through the annual NHS contracts to provide standard care and from health commissioners and local councils through enhanced services including certain contraceptive services, specialist support for long term conditions, some immunisations and NHS health checks. We actively encourage patients to make the most of these services for their health needs and because vitally the money from these services helps us to fund nursing and other support for patients.
The amount of money we receive is often weighted based on a national formula that takes into account factors such as rurality, deprivation and age of patients. As a rough guide, in 2019/20 Beacon Medical Group is expected to receive £78 per year per patient under the annual NHS contract regardless of the number of appointments or prescriptions we issue. In 2019/20 this figure is topped up to £83 per patient per year to support us working more closely with other agencies such as community health, mental health and the voluntary sector. The additional services we provide bring this figure up to £113 per patient per year covering staffing and equipment costs.
All GP practices are required to declare the mean net earnings (eg. Average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. This is required in the interests of the greater public accountability recognising GP pay is ultimately funded from tax paid by the public.
The average pay for GPs working in Beacon Medical Group in the last financial year was £37,540 before tax and national insurance. This is for 1 full time GP, 30 part time GPs and 0 locum GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.)
Freedom Of Information
Information about the general practitioners and the practice required for disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act can be made available to the public.
All requests for such information should be made to the practice manager.
Medical Disclaimer
Every effort is taken to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and informative. This website is provided for information only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with an appropriately qualified medical practitioner. Neither the Surgery, nor any of its sub-contractors can accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury that arises from the use of this website.
Links are provided for information and convenience only. We cannot accept responsibility for the sites linked to, or the information found there. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site; likewise, not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement.
We make every effort to ensure that this website is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to this website, or the sites to which it links. We accept no responsibility for any damages arising from the loss of use of this information.
Named GP
As of April 2015, under NHS GP contract, practices were required to allocate a named, accountable GP to all patients (including children). This follows on from changes in 2014 when all patients aged 75 and over were to be provided with a named GP.
- This does not mean that the named GP has 24hr responsibility
- This does not mean that the named GP will be the only clinician who will provide care to that patient.
- This does not affect your right to see any GP of your choice.
It might not always be possible for patients to see their named GP on the day, although we try to make this happen. Our GPs all have access to and share medical records.
- All new patients registering with the practice will be advised of their ‘named GP’ on registration.
You may also ask for this information at Reception when visiting the practice or check via your online services account or the NHS app.
Beacon Medical Group operates a continuity of care model for routine ongoing medical needs, we try where possible to allocate you with your usual GP.
Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice for Beacon Medical Group
This privacy notice describes the data, the practice holds about you, why we hold it, where and how we store it, how long for and how we protect it. It also tells you about your rights under the Data Protection Legislation and how the law protects you.
Who we are and what do we do?
Beacon Medical Group, Plympton Health centre, Chaddelwood surgery, Glenside Medical Centre, Wotter surgery, Ivybridge Health Centre and Highlands Health Centre.
Telephone numbers 01752 346634, 348884, 345317,341340,690777,897111,
Beacon Medical Group is a Data Controller for the data we hold about you. We hold your data in order to provide you with health and care.
What is personal data and what data do we use?
Your personal data is any information that can be connected to you personally. If you can be identified from the data, it is personal data. The types of personal data we use and hold about you are:
- Details about you: your name, address, contact number, email address, date of birth, gender and NHS number. We may also hold information about your emergency contact, next of kin and carer.
- Details about your medical care: medical diagnosis, record of treatment received, referrals, history of prescribed medication, results of investigations such as X-rays etc.
- Information provided by you: this includes correspondence relating to feedback, concerns and complaints about the service you have received.
- Relevant information from other healthcare professionals, relatives or those who care for you.
We may also hold the following information about you:
- Religion or other beliefs of a similar nature,
- Family, lifestyle and/or social circumstances,
- Employment details,
- Financial details.
When we collect your mobile number we use it to text you to reply to online consultations, remind you of appointments, Invites for annual reviews, annual recall for vaccination or health campaigns or follow up appointments. If you no longer wish to receive communication this way, please let a member of staff know who will be able to update your preferences.
When we collect your email address, we use it to reply to online consultations invite your for annual reviews, seasonal invites and any other patient related information or recall. If you no longer wish to receive communication this way, please let a member of staff know who will be able to update your preferences.
Why do we process your data and what legal basis do we have to process your data?
In order to process your personal data or share your personal data outside of the practice, we need a legal basis to do so. If we process or share special category data, such as health data, we will need an additional legal basis to do so.
We rely upon Article 6(1)(e) (public interest task) and Article 9(2)(h) (health and social care) for most of our processing and sharing, in particular to:
- Provide you with health and care,
- Share data from, or allow access to, your GP record, for healthcare professionals involved in providing you with health and care,
- Receive data from or access your data on other NHS organisation clinician systems,
- Work effectively with other organisations and healthcare professionals who are involved in your care,
- Ensure that your treatment and advice, and the treatment of others is safe and effective,
- Participate in National Screening Programmes,
- Use a computer program to identify patients who might be at risk from certain diseases or unplanned admissions to Hospitals,
- Help NHS England and the practice to conduct clinical audits to ensure you are being provided with safe, high-quality care,
- Support medical research when the law allows us to do so,
- Supply data to help plan and manage services and prevent infectious diseases from spreading.
We rely upon Article 6(1)(d) (vital interest) and Article 9(2)(c) (vital interests) to share information about you with another healthcare professional in a medical emergency.
We rely upon Article 6(1)(e) (public interest task) and Article 9(2)(g) (substantial public interest) to support safeguarding for patients who, for instance, may be particularly vulnerable to protect them from harm or other forms of abuse.
We rely upon Article 6(1)(c) (legal obligation) and Article 9(2)(h) to share your information for mandatory disclosures of information such as public inquiries. The kind of organisations we may be required to share information with may include NHS England, CQC, UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities).
We rely upon Article 6(1)(c) (legal obligation) and Article 9(2)(f) (legal claims) to help us investigate legal claims and if a court orders us to do so.
We rely upon Article 6(1)(a) (consent) and Article 9(2)(a) (explicit consent), in order to:
- Help the practice investigate any feedback, including patient surveys, complaints or concerns you may have about contact with the practice,
- Help manage how we provide you with services from the practice, for example, when you nominate individuals to contact the practice on your behalf,
- Send you our newsletter in the future.
- Contact you if you have signed up to our patient participation group,
- Share your information with third parties, for example, insurance companies and medical research organisations.
We also use anonymised data to plan and improve health care services. Specifically, we use it to:
- Review the care being provided to make sure it is of the highest standard,
- Check the quality and efficiency of the services we provide,
- Prepare performance reports on the services we provide.
Common law duty of confidentiality
Healthcare staff will respect and comply with their obligations under the common law duty of confidence. We meet the duty of confidentiality under one of the following:
- You have provided us with your explicit consent,
- For direct care, we rely on implied consent,
- We have approval from the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG),
- We have a legal requirement to collect, share and use the data,
- On a case-by-case basis, we will share information in the public interest.
How do we collect your data?
The practice collects data that you provide when you:
- Receive treatment or care from the practice,
- Contact the practice by telephone, all telephone calls received and made by the practice are recorded, online, via an online triage system or in person,
- Complete a form electronically or in paper,
- Contact the practice via a Social Network, for example if you communicate with the practice through Twitter or Facebook.
- Visit the practice’s website (If cookies are enabled).
We may also collect data from family members or carers to support your care.
We receive information about you from other providers to ensure that we provide you with effective and comprehensive treatment. These providers may include:
- Beacon medical Groups Primary care network, practices named at the header.
- Other GP Practices
- NHS Trusts/Foundation Trusts
- NHS Commissioning Support Units (CSUs)
- Community Services (District Nurses, Rehabilitation Services and out of hours services)
- Ambulance or emergency services
- Independent contractors such as Pharmacies, Dentists and Opticians
- Devon Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- NHS England
- Local authorities
- Police and Judicial Services
- Educational Services
- NHS 111
- UK Health Security Agency
- Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- Non-NHS health care providers
- Research providers
Beacon Medical Group is a research active practice and adhere to the NIHR privacy policy. This privacy policy sets out how the NIHR uses and protects any information, including your personal information – that the NIHR collects and receives when you use any of its websites, systems or services.
We’re excited to share news of our partnership with seasoned NIHR RRDN (National Institute for Health Research Regional Research Delivery Network) experts, seamlessly integrated into our practice team. In the pursuit of advancing medical research, these professionals, alongside our practice team, may access your patient record for pre-consented activities. This involves identifying potential eligibility for research opportunities and supporting recruitment and follow-up for clinical trials. This process operates under the lawful bases of Article 6 (public task) and Article 9 (substantial public interest) of the GDPR. Be assured, that your privacy and data security are rigorously safeguarded. This collaboration also supports NIHR and NHS’s pursuit in improving equality to access research. Any eligible individuals will be contacted by the practice, and their consent will be requested before any further processing takes place.
NIHR Privacy Policy: To view the NIHR’s privacy policy on how your data is used for research, please click this link NIHR Privacy Policy
- We also use Systmconnect which is an online tool that allows you to get advice and treatment, request sick notes and results or self-help.
Systmconnect is provided by a third-party organisation and by using systmconnect, you are submitting your information to them. This information is then provided to the practice to be reviewed. Further information on systmconnect can be found: SystmConnect Privacy Policy – TPP
You can also use eConsult via the NHSApp. Further information regarding the role of NHS England and the practice can be found:
Who do we share your data with?
In order to deliver and coordinate your health and care, we may sometimes share information with other organisations. We will only ever share information about you if other agencies involved in your care have a genuine need for it. Anyone who receives information from the practice is under a legal duty to keep it confidential and secure.
Please be aware that there may be certain circumstances, such as assisting the police with the investigation of a serious crime, where it may be necessary for the practice to share your personal information with external agencies without your knowledge or consent.
We may share information with the following organisations:
- The GP Practices
- Other GP Practices
- NHS Trusts/Foundation Trusts
- Devon Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- NHS Commissioning Support Units
- Community Services (District Nurses, Rehabilitation Services and out of hours services)
- Ambulance or emergency services
- Independent contractors such as Pharmacies, Dentists and Opticians
- Local authorities
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
- Police and Judicial Services
- Educational Services
- Fire and Rescue Services
- NHS 111
- The Care Quality Commission, ICO and other regulators
- UK Health Security Agency
- Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- NHS England
- Non-NHS health care providers
- Research providers
From 01.04.23 – South, Central and West Child Health Information Services (SCW CHIS) is commissioned by NHS England to support the monitoring of care delivered to children. Personal data is collected from the child’s GP record to enable health screening, physical examination and vaccination services to be monitored to ensure that every child has access to all relevant health interventions.
For more information: Fair Processing Notice Child Health Information Services – NHS SCW Support and Transformation for Health and Care (
In addition to sharing data with the above services, the practice will also use carefully selected third party service providers that process data on behalf of the practice. When we use a third-party service provider, we will always have an appropriate agreement in place to ensure that they keep the data secure, that they do not use or share information other than in accordance with our instructions and that they are operating responsibly to ensure the protection of your data. Examples of functions that may be carried out by third parties includes:
- Organisations that provide IT services & support, including our core clinical systems; systems which manage patient facing services (such as our website and service accessible through the same); data hosting service providers; systems which facilitate video consultation, appointment bookings or electronic prescription services; document management services etc.
- Organisations who are delivering services on behalf of the practice (for example conducting Medicines Management Reviews to ensure that you receive the most appropriate, up to date and cost-effective treatments or supporting practices in offering choices of providers and appointments to patients who are being referred via the NHS E-Referral system).
- Delivery services (for example if we were to arrange for delivery of any medicines to you).
- Payment providers (if for example you were paying for a prescription or a service such as travel vaccinations).
- DCCR – DEVON AND CORNWALL CARE RECORD – Health and social care services in Devon and Cornwall have developed a system to share patient data efficiently and quickly and, ultimately, improve the care you receive. This shared system is called the Devon and Cornwall Care Record. It’s important that anyone treating you has access to your shared record so they have all the information they need to care for you. This applies to your routine appointments and also in urgent situations such as going to A&E, calling 111 or going to an out-of-hours appointment. It’s also quicker for staff to access a shared record than to try to contact other staff by phone or email. Only authorised health and care staff can access the Devon and Cornwall Care Record and the information they see is carefully checked so that it relates to their job. Also, systems do not share all your data – just data that services have agreed is necessary to include.
- For more information about the Devon and Cornwall Care Record, please go to
For further information of who we share your personal data with and our third-party processors, please contact one of our patient advisors who will be able to help you.
Where do we store your data?
We use a number of IT systems and tools to store and process your data, on behalf of the practice. Examples of tools we use include our Core Clinical System TPP, NHSmail, Microsoft 365, systmconnect TPP (online consultation) and Xon (phone system).
For further information on these please see the below
SystmConnect-Privacy-Notice.pdf (
For further information on this, please contact
GPConnect/Interoperability/Enhanced Data Sharing Module:
We share your record using GP Connect/Interoperability/Enhanced Data Sharing Module to make sure that, whether you are visiting the practice, attending hospital, or being seen in the community or at home by a care professional, everyone knows the care you need and how you want to be treated. Your electronic health record is available to Beacon Medical Group and other local providers such as practice plus group, livewell, st lukes hospice, University Hospitals Plymouth (UHP) who are involved in your care. This includes the sharing of personal contact details, diagnosis, medications, allergies, and test results. Your records will be treated with the strictest confidence and can only be viewed if you use their service.
You can find more information about GP Connect at:
You can also search for organisations who use GP Connect here:
Please note that if you have previously dissented (opted-out) to sharing your records, this decision will be upheld, and your record will only be accessed by the practice. Should you wish to opt-out of, please speak to one of our patient advisor team who will be able to update your personal preferences. Please note that by opting out of this sharing, other health professionals may not be able to see important medical information, which may impact on the care you receive.
Summary Care Record (SCR)
NHS England have implemented the SCR which contains information about you; including your name, address, data of birth, NHS number, medication you are taking and any bad reactions to medication that you have had in the past. This information is automatically extracted from your records and uploaded onto a central system.
Many patients who are seen outside of their GP Practice are understandably not able to provide a full account of their care or may not be in a position to do so. The SCR means patients do not have to repeat their medical history at every care setting and the healthcare professional they are seeing is able to access their SCR. The SCR can only be viewed within the NHS on NHS smartcard-controlled screens or by organisations, such as pharmacies, contracted to the NHS.
As well as this basic record, additional information can be added to include further information. However, any additional data will only be uploaded of you specifically request it and with your consent. You can find out more about the SCR here:
National Screening Programmes
The NHS provides national screening programmes so that certain diseases can be detected at early stages. These screening programmes include bowel cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, aortic aneurysms and a diabetic eye screening service. More information on the national screening programmes can be found at:
Risk Stratification
Your medical records will be searched by a computer program so that we can identify patients who might be at high risk from certain diseases such as heart disease or unplanned admissions to hospital. This means we can offer patients additional care or support as early as possible.
This process will involve linking information from your GP record with information from other health or social care services you have used. Information which identifies you will only be seen by this practice. More information can be found at or speak to the practice.
One Devon Dataset
As well as using your data to support the delivery of care to you, your data may be used to help improve the way health and social care is delivered to patients and service users throughout Devon using Population Health Management methods.
We will use a pseudonymised extract (ie. not identifiable information) which will be extracted and held securely by NHS Devon ICB (Integrated Care Board) and in partnership with the Local Authorities. Data will be used to support the Devon Integrated Care System to improve short-term and medium-term health outcomes for local populations. If you would benefit from some additional care or support, your information will be shared back to the practice, or another local provider involved in your care, so that they can offer you direct care.
If you have previously asked the practice to apply a Type 1 opt-out to your medical records, this will be applied by NHS Devon ICB.
Further information about Population Health Management can be found here:
Further information about the One Devon Dataset can be found here:
We will rely on public interest task as the legal basis for processing your data for this purpose. You have a right to object to your information being used in this way. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact
We are a research practice and work with various study groups and companies to deliver research studies and trials. Employees of the practices will access your information in order to determine whether you are suitable to be invited to participate in a study. We will only share your information with the research providers with your explicit consent. Further information regarding the research providers can be found here:
Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)
This practice contributes to medical research and may send relevant data to CPRD. CPRD collects de-identified patient data from a network of GP practices across the UK. Primary care data is linked to a range of other health related data to provide a longitudinal, representative UK population health dataset. Further information regarding CPRD can be found here:
Targeted Lung Health Check
Peninsula Cancer Alliance have been selected to take part in the National Targeted Lung Health Checks pilot. The aim of the pilot is to identify lung cancers at an earlier stage that is evidenced to result in better outcomes. It follows successful trials in Manchester, Liverpool, and Nottingham. During the Manchester trial, 65% of lung cancers were diagnosed at stage 1 and 13% at stage 4, compared to 18% at stage 1 and 48% at stage 4 before the trial.
Please read this Privacy Notice carefully as it sets out the basis on which any personal data we process will be handled. This Notice sets out the types of personal data that we collect about you and will explain how and why your personal data is used. We will also explain how long your data will be kept and when, why and with whom your data may be shared.
The Notice sets out the legal basis we have for processing your personal data and explains the effects of refusing to provide the personal data requested. We will also explain the various rights and choices that you have when it comes to your personal data and how you can contact us.
How long do we hold your data?
We only hold your data for as long as necessary and are required to hold your data in line with the NHS Records Management Code of Practice 2023 Retention Schedule. Further information can be found online at:
Telephone calls are recorded and stored for 12 months with South west coms until 18.09.24 and 24 months with Xon from 18.09.24.
What rights do you have?
You have various rights under the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018:
Right of access:
You have the right to request access to view or request copies of the personal data, we hold about you; this is known as a Subject Access Request (SAR). In order to request access you can find how to by speaking to one of our patient advisors or via : Subject Access Requests | Beacon Medical Group
Please note that you are entitled to a copy of your data that we hold free of charge; however, we are entitled to charge in certain circumstances where the law permits us to do so. We are also entitled to refuse a request, where the law permits us to do so. If we require a fee or are unable to comply with your request, we will notify you within 1 calendar month of your request.
Right to restrict or object the use of your information:
There are certain circumstances in which you can object from your data being shared. Information regarding your rights to opt-out is detailed below:
If the practice is relying on the consent as the basis for processing your data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Once you have withdrawn your consent, we will stop processing your data for this purpose.
However, this will only apply in circumstances on which we rely on your consent to use your personal data. Please be aware that if you do withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain services to you. If this is the case, we will let you know.
Summary Care Record:
The SCR improves care; however, if you do not want one, you have the right to object to sharing your data or to restrict access to specific elements of your records. This will mean that the information recorded by the practice will not be visible at any other care setting.
If you wish to discuss your options regarding the SCR, please speak to a member of staff at the practice. You can also reinstate your consent at any time by giving your permission to override your previous dissent.
National Screening Programmes:
If you do not wish to receive an invitation to the screening programmes, you can opt out at or speak to the practice.
Type 1 Opt-out:
You have the right to object to your confidential patient data being shared for purposes beyond your direct care by asking the practice to apply a Type 1 opt-out to your medical records. A type 1 opt-out prevents personal data about you, being extracted from your GP record, and uploaded to any other organisations without your explicit consent. If you wish for a Type 1 opt-out to be applied to your record, please contact Insert person at one of our practices or via . Opt Out Type 1 | Beacon Medical Group
National Data Opt-out:
You have the right to object to your data being shared under the national data opt-out model. The national data opt-out model provides an easy way for you to opt-out of sharing data that identifies you being used or shared for medical research purposes and quality checking or audit purposes.
To opt-out of your identifiable data being shared for medical research or to find out more about your opt-out choices please ask a member of staff or go to NHS Digital’s website:
National Disease Registration Service
The National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) is run by NHS England and collects patient data on cancer, congenital anomalies and rare diseases, and provides analysis to support clinical teams, academics, charities and policy makers to help plan and improve treatments and healthcare in England.
Further information regarding the registry and your right to opt-out can be found at:
Right to rectification:
You have the right to have any errors or mistakes corrected within your medical records. This applies to matters of fact, not opinion. If the information is of clinical nature, this will need to be reviewed and investigated by the practice. If you wish to have your records amended, please contact
If your personal information changes, such as your contact address or number, you should notify the practice immediately so that we can update the information on our system. We will also ask you from time to time to confirm the information we hold for you, is correct.
Right to erasure:
The practice is not aware of any circumstances in which you will have the right to delete correct data from your medical record, which the practice is legally bound to retain. Although you are free to obtain your own legal advice if you believe there is no lawful purpose for which we hold the data and contact the practice if you hold a different view.
Right to complain:
Please let us know if you wish to discuss how we have used your personal data, raise a concern, make a complaint or compliment. You can contact us at Feedback and Complaints | Beacon Medical Group
Following this, if you are still unhappy with how we have used your data, you can then complain to the ICO.
If you wish to complain follow this link: or call the helpline on 0303 123 1113.
Data outside EEA
We do not send your personal data outside of the EEA. However, if this is required, the practice would only do so, with your explicit consent.
Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer for the practice is Bex Lovewell and can be contacted via email on or by post: Delt Shared Services Limited, BUILDING 2 – Delt, Derriford Business Park, Plymouth, PL6 5QZ.
The practice’s website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file, typically of letters and numbers, downloaded on to a device (like your computer or smart phone) when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website to recognise a user’s device. Some cookies help websites to remember choices you make (e.g., which language you prefer if you use the Google Translate feature). Analytical cookies are to help us measure the number of visitors to our website. The two types of cookies used by the practice are ‘Session’ and ‘Persistent’ cookies.
Some cookies are temporary and disappear when you close your web browser, others may remain on your computer for a set period. We do not knowingly collect or intend to collect any personal information about you using cookies. We do not share your personal information with anyone.
What can I do to manage cookies on my devices?
Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit If you are concerned about cookies and would like to discuss this, please contact
Changes to privacy notice
The practice reviews this privacy notice regularly and may amend the notice from time to time. If you wish to discuss any elements of this privacy notice, please contact
Statement Of Intent
This is the Statement of Purpose for Beacon Medical Group. This is a regulatory document for the group which includes important organisational information. Typically, the Statement of Purpose is used by the CQC for inspection purposes but other audiences may find the information useful.
Our Vision
Beacon Medical Group was established on 1st April 2014 and provides GP services across Plymouth and South Devon. On 1st October 2018, we plan to merge with a neighbouring practice – Highlands Health Centre to support 43,000patients. Our driving force is that through scale we feel we can provide greater options for patients, including additional services and extended opening hours and greater sustainability for our workforce.
As one of the largest GP practices in Devon and Cornwall we are wholly committed to delivering clinical excellence and the highest level of customer service every step of the way.
Our aim is to be a sustainable practice that thrives on innovation, working with our patients and the community together as a team.
We will be responsive and flexible in our approach and at every encounter our team has with a patient we will treat them with compassion, dignity and respect.
Our Aims and Objectives
To ensure a consistently high standard of care and to provide treatment that is appropriate at all times.
To prevent ill health, improve well-being and to provide services that improve local health outcomes
To deliver services that meet the needs of the local community and are in line with the vision of commissioners
To continuously invest in training, technology and facilities which support our aims
To implement and monitor sound financial methodologies and practices which ensure the long term success of the business
Our Services
We are a Personal Medical Services (PMS) Practice offering primary care services for the diagnosis and prevention of disease. We help patients to manage and take an active part in monitoring their health, and preventing illness.
We operate over 6 sites as outlined in the appendix. We use a single clinical system which gives patients the choice, if they wish, to visit any one of our sites to access services. This isn’t our recommended option, as we believe that continuity of care is invaluable in providing the best possible care; many of our patients though do value the flexibility of being able to access any doctor at any site, perhaps closer to their work base or school.
Our doctors, nurses and wider clinician group are here for the patients and their carers to assess, diagnose, treat and manage illness. Services include screening for some diseases and promotion of general health and wellbeing. Our health professionals strive to support and represent patient’s best interests, and to ensure they receive the most appropriate health and/or social care. Our health professionals provide referrals and advice to direct patients, where appropriate to other Health Services, and work closely with other healthcare colleagues. We may arrange hospital referrals, admissions and referrals to other services and specialists within the community, who provide patient care, and which may involve sharing of information where needed. We also collect and record important information from other healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of our patients.
We are a teaching Practice and our Doctors and Nurses are also involved in the education and training of Registrars, Medical Students, Practice Nurses, Practice Staff and other Health Care Professionals. On occasion one of the aforementioned professionals may wish to be present during a consultation for training purposes.
The clinician who is due to see you will inform you prior to entering the clinical room of the observers presence, if you do not wish for the professional to remain present please inform the clinician. Your decision will in no way affect your clinical care. We have also embraced a multi-disciplinary approach to treating urgent requests and employ clinical pharmacists, advanced paramedic practitioners and nurse practitioners.
In December 2015, we were announced as one of 15 Primary Care Home Rapid Test Sites which gives us more opportunity to shape the health and social care system around us. As a result, we are able to host a much broader range of support for our patients and able to provide enhanced care to some of our most vulnerable people.
Registered Address
Beacon Medical Group
Plympton Health Centre
Mudge Way
Business Telephone
01752 346634 / 348884
Legal status
We operate across six sites across Plymouth and South Hams. All locations offer services to the whole population. For the purpose of registration these sites are deemed as satellite sites.
Each premises is a purpose built facility with access for disabled persons. We provide general practice with qualified staff including GPs, nurse practitioners, paramedics, clinical pharmacists and nurses on all sites. We also provide teaching for registrars and have healthcare assistants providing additional medical services.
Each site has all the equipment required to meet its contractual obligations.
Address: Beacon Medical Group
Ivybridge Medical Practice
Erme Terrace
Station Road
PL21 0AJ
Telephone: 01752 690777
CQC service types: Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Doctors consultation service
Doctors treatment service
Diagnostic and/or screening service
Regulated activity: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Surgical procedures
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Maternity and midwifery services
Nursing care
Family planning service
Registered Manager: Dr Andrew Mercer
Address: Beacon Medical Group
Highlands Health Centre
Fore Street
PL21 9AE
Telephone 01752 897111
CQC service types Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Doctors consultation service
Doctors treatment service
Diagnostic and/or screening service
Regulated activity Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Surgical procedures
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Maternity and midwifery services
Nursing care
Family planning service
Registered Manager: Dr Andrew Mercer
Address: Beacon Medical Group
Plympton Health Centre
Mudge Way
Telephone: 01752 346634 / 348884
CQC service types: Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Doctors consultation service
Doctors treatment service
Diagnostic and/or screening service
Regulated activity: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Surgical procedures
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Maternity and midwifery services
Nursing care
Family planning service
Registered Manager: Dr Andrew Mercer
Address: Beacon Medical Group
Chaddlewood Surgery
128 Bellingham Crescent
Telephone: 01752 345317
CQC service types: Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Doctors consultation service
Doctors treatment service
Diagnostic and/or screening service
Regulated activity: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Surgical procedures
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Maternity and midwifery services
Nursing care
Family planning service
Registered Manager: Dr Andrew Mercer
Address: Beacon Medical Group
Glenside Medical Centre
Glenside Rise
Telephone: 01752 341340
CQC service types: Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Doctors consultation service
Doctors treatment service
Diagnostic and/or screening service
Regulated activity: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Surgical procedures
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Maternity and midwifery services
Nursing care
Family planning service
Registered Manager: Dr Andrew Mercer
Address: Wotter Surgery
Rear of Church
Telephone: 01752 839312 / 346634
CQC service types: Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Doctors consultation service
Doctors treatment service
Diagnostic and/or screening service
Regulated activity: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Surgical procedures
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Maternity and midwifery services
Nursing care
Family planning service
Registered Manager: Dr Andrew Mercer
Summary Care Record
If you are registered with a GP practice in England you will already have a Summary Care Record (SCR), unless you have previously chosen not to have one. It will contain key information about the medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any adverse reactions to medicines you have had in the past.
Information about your healthcare may not be routinely shared across different healthcare organisations and systems. You may need to be treated by health and care professionals that do not know your medical history. Essential details about your healthcare can be difficult to remember, particularly when you are unwell or have complex care needs.
Having a Summary Care Record can help by providing healthcare staff treating you with vital information from your health record. This will help the staff involved in your care make better and safer decisions about how best to treat you
Please click here for care record opt out.