Communicate with Us

Feedback and Complaints

What do you think of our services?

As a practice we are committed to providing the best care we can to our community and your feedback helps us to recognise what we do well and to act on areas for improvement.

The Friends and Family Test is a way for patients to recognise great service. Patients can give anonymous feedback quickly and have their say on the care and treatment they experience at our practices. It helps to improve our services by highlighting what is working well and what can be improved. 

We send a text message to everyone with a mobile phone after their appointment to see how we’ve done and paper versions are available at reception.

In 2019/2020, 11754 patients responded and 82.51% would recommend us to friends and family.

Feedback can also be provided on the NHS Choices website.


Help us to shape our services

At Beacon we want to work with our patients, communities and staff as one team. This goes beyond the traditional relationship between GP and patient and much more towards a model where patients are actively involved in shaping their own health care and the services that we offer.

Our Patient Participation group is now running virtually across Plympton and Ivybridge , made up of a number of patients that represent the overall community – helping us to understand what patients need and want from us.

We are always on the lookout for new members to join these groups, so if you think you can help make a difference then email to register your interest.

What is a PPG?

A PPG, or Patient Participation Group, is a group of keen, motivated individuals who aim to act as a critical friend to Beacon Medical Group – with patient’s needs in mind and to encourage changes to benefit all.

What have they achieved?

Both PPGs have given us a strong forum for discussion when setting priorities and shaping processes. Here are just a few that have taken place in the last two years:

  • Patient surveys and suggestion boxes
  • Promoting the use of the check-in touch screen computers
  • Organising and supporting patient educational evenings on subjects such as Dementia and Stroke Awareness
  • Encouraged and promoted student and medical student placements
  • Informed the improvement of the telephone script message based on feedback collated
  • Initiated and informed discussion on topics such as surgery access and signage
  • Developed a new, improved patient newsletter provided in an easy to read format

What next?

PPGs will continue to:

Help provide a communication between Beacon and patients where possible.

Encourage patients to help themselves through education and self-care

Promote further patient surveys

Support staff with the introduction of new initiatives

Support the production of the BMG patient newsletter

Assist and support Beacon with various activities and events such as educational evenings

Assist patients through involvement with the local community through participation in meetings concerning local Health and Social issues

Friends and Family Test

Overall, how was your experience of our service?